Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Birthday Party Decor - Very Hungry Caterpillar

Project Type: Birthday Party Decoration

For this simple birthday party decoration I used balloons, tape, construction paper and scissors.  I cut out the different shapes I need from the construction paper and taped them onto the balloons.  I used tape to stick the balloons to the wall.

All the children at the party loved our "Very Hungry Caterpillar"!

The twins 2nd birthday is coming up soon.  I'm already trying to think of ideas...let me know if you have any you would like to share!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Banner

Project Type: Birthday Party Decoration

The theme for the twins first birthday was "Very Hungry Caterpillar".   I wanted to make a special birthday banner that went along with our theme.  With this design you will be able to adjust it to work with any theme or color scheme for the party.

First I gathered together my materials: ribbon, scissors, card stock paper, compass, glue stick, whole puncher and printer paper.  I found the font and graphic (in this case the caterpillar)  I liked and printed them off using our printer then cut each out into a circle.  I created a flower design using a little bit of my geometry skills left over from high school and a compass.  I traced the flower pattern onto different colors of card stock paper and cut them out.  I used a glue stick to paste the letters and graphic onto the flower cut outs and punched two whole on opposite sides.  Then, I cut out small pieces of ribbon and used them to tie the letters together.

All in all this project took a little bit of time, but I think it turned out great for Bro-Bro and Ya-Ya's party!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Buckle Toy

Project Type: Learning Toy
Age Range: One year or older

I notice Bro-Bro starting to get interested in buckles around the age of one.  As the months progressed his desier to master this skill seemed to grow.  I had this idea one day as I watched him work so hard to make the buckle on his wagon seat belt click together.

I went to the dollar store and found this cute orangutan stuffed animal.  I thought it would be perfect with it's long arms and legs to sew buckles to the hands and feet.  I got two different types of buckles from a near by craft store in the sewing department.

It was quick, easy and very inexpensive.

Bro-Bro has loved it! He has been able to master the one on Buckley's hands and now is working on his feet.  Ya-Ya loves for me to attach Buckley's hands around her waist so she can wear him like a cute accessory.  Oh the difference between boys and girls!

Nusery Wall Decor 2

Project Type: Save Money - Nursery

This idea was shared by my Elementary School friend Ellis Holder Passmore.

She used embroidery hoops that she got 50% off at Hobby Lobby. The fabric was leftover from her crib bedding.

The total cost was around $8.

Super cute and simple!  Thanks for sharing Ellis!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Winter Fun

Project Type: Fun Activity
Age Range: 6 months or older

I know we are in the middle of one of the hottest summers we have had in recorded history, but I thought it would be fun to share our baby sled idea.  Last January we had a lot of snow in the South, almost everyone was snowed in for about a week.  Mr. Perfect and I wanted to take the babies out, but we were not sure what to do other than carry them since they were not walking at that point.

Mr. Perfect had the idea of using our laundry basket.  We lined it with a trash bag and put towels down.  I looped a belt around one of the handles and then we had our baby sled! 
We had a lot of fun dragging them through the snow. The babies loved it!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nusery Wall Decor

 Project Type: Save Money - Nursery

I have had an old window sitting around for awhile not being used and thought it could act as a great picture frame in our nursery.  Three of my best friends visited after the twins were born and wanted to help out with the blank window frame hanging on the nursery wall.

They helped me pick out some scrapbook paper I had in my craft box as a colorful background for the pictures.  After a few months I had enough pictures to fill up the frame and there you have it inexpensive wall decor for a nursery.

Sound Machine for $1

Project Type: Save Money - Nursery

My husband and I were looking for a sound machine for our nursery.  We were shocked by how hard they were to find and then by how expensive they were.  We had the idea to purchase a "white noise" track off of itunes and copy it to a CD.  Using a CD player we had sitting around we set the CD to repeat and voilĂ  we had a a sound machine for $1.

Play Activity for 5 months to one year

Project Type: Activity for infants
Age Range: 5 months to one year

 I am thrilled about sharing creative activities I have implemented with my children.  All of my creative ideas were lost in a haze from the time the twins were born until about 5 months.

At 5 months Bro-Bro and Ya-Ya were able to hold their heads up, but were not able to sit up by themselves.  They loved grabbing things with their hands and putting them in their mouths (of course).

For this play activity, I used a shelf/cabinet organizer that we had stored in a closet and two infant seats.   The shelf acted as a desk where I could place different toys for them to play with.  The greatest thing about this play activity was its mobility.  I could put them in the kitchen when I was cooking or we could go outside on a nice day.  When they got a little bit older they realized they could move the shelf.  I used strong tape to tape the shelf to the ground...which worked for a little while until they grew out of the activity.

Of course you can use this activity with one child as well.  It was great fun for my twins!  Please let me know what you think and how this activity has worked for you in the comments.  If you would like to share a project idea, please use the Share a Project form.