Monday, January 9, 2012

Family Fun - Imagine It! Atlanta Children's Museum

Activity: Children's Museum
Age: 18 months or older

Over the Christmas holiday my husband and I took our twins to Imagine It! Atlanta Children's Museum.  Everyone had a great time!  I would describe the museum as a huge play and learning experience.  A great way to spend a day watching your children explore and discover new things.  I would highly recommend going or finding a children's museum in your area. 

 Making sculptures at the sand table.

 "Cho cho-ing" around the large train table.

 Learning how to use a crane...that's my girl!

 Extra large building block.

We had a blast!  I would for anyone to comment about your experiences at a children's museum or any other ideas for family fun.


  1. This looks like a blast! How old do you think little ones should be to enjoy something like this?
    So far our family fun consists of eating, sleeping, and making funny faces :)

    1. I would wait until your little man is able to get around good on his feet and is comfortable being around older children. The museum got busier as the morning progressed, a lot of older children were running around and could be startling to a little one.
